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1/10/2022 – The Watering

1/10/2022 – The Watering

1/10/2022 – The Watering

I flew back to Nashville yesterday hoping everything was going to be ok with the van. I get out of the Uber, the outside is same as I left it. I open the door, everything looks good. I take my shoes off and my carpet is soaked. I pull out my drawers and they are completely soaked too. I go to the back and my water tank is completely empty. I found that my water filter cracked and all of the water in my tank leaked out due to gravity. Thankfully I brought my laptop with me so nothing was permanently damaged.

It was raining quite hard so I figured I’d get out of Nashville and drive to Huntsville, AL. I parked at a Walmart on the outskirts and parked for the night. I went in to walk around and on my way back to the van I slipped on the paint on the concrete and fell on my knee, then elbow, and butt. I get up, get back into the van, start to change clothes, and find out that I split my knee open and I’m bleeding. I didn’t have any antiseptic, but I do have vinegar. I put some on a paper towel and on the wound. Oh boy did that sting. After bandaging myself up I got the fan out and started drying off the drawers and cabinet.

Today I got up and went to Home Depot to rent a Rug Doctor. I pulled to the far parking lot, yank my rug out, and get to sucking all the water out of it. I cleaned it for around 30 minutes before grabbing a cart and putting the rug up to dry. The water that came out of the rug was black it was so dirty. The next task was to fix the crack in the filter or remove it. I tried taking it off but I couldn’t get the supply line off of the elbow so I can spin the filter. I went back into Home Depot, returned the Rug Doctor, and got some silicone adhesive. I smeared that all over the crack and I’m hoping it will solve the leak. The rug was mostly dry by this point so I put down new double sided tape and got everything put back together. I have to wait 24 hours for the silicone to cure so I have to leave the oven out until everything it testing ok.

Now that my life is almost back to normal I started driving around and exploring Huntsville. I drove by the space center and I’m totally checking that out tomorrow. I scouted a couple places to park for the night and drove by the University of Alabama Huntsville. I found a couple of breweries to visit. The first one I checked out was Rocket Republic Brewing. I stayed here for a flight, a pint, and to write this. They had a good selection overall. I like the Imperial stout the best.