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I woke up super late today, unexpectedly. I was planning on getting to Dallas around 3, but it ended up being 8. Oops. I did find my first Del Taco though, so I don’t mind so much. Del Taco was as good as I remember and just as cheap. I’ll take Del Taco over Taco Bell any day. On my way to Dallas I stopped at a wayside outlook for a pic.

I got to Dallas around 8 and went to the Warhammer store. It’s the largest Warhammer store in the US and the only Forge World store in the US. It was really cool to see all of the stuff that you don’t normally get to see. I’m going back tomorrow for a game hopefully.

After the store I went to Hop and Sting Brewing Company for a couple beers. The first flight that I had was really good, but the second not so much.