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I had such an amazing day today! I started off walking the riverwalk downtown. That was pretty boring so I went over the bridge to the other part of downtown where the tall buildings were. One my way I got to see the drawbridge lift up for a sail boat. Downtown was just as boring. I hopped on the skyway tram and went back toward the van. I walked by the Science Museum, but skipped it. The exhibits didn’t sound very cool, lots of kid stuff.

I stopped for gas on my way to the beach and there was a guy with a pressure washer setting up to wash vehicles. I talked to him and had him wash the van for me. It was fairly clean after the last couple rains, but the road grease was on a few places.

After the wash I decided to go to TPC Sawgrass, the PGA golf course where they have The Players Championship, before going to the beach. I figured I’d get to take a pic of the clubhouse and that would be it. Instead I was given a tour of the entire clubhouse, including one of the restricted areas, and got a ride around the 16th and 17th holes. The clubhouse was huge. There was artwork of the guys that won the tournament, some of the hand drawings of when they were designing the course, golf clubs donated from the winners, the pro shop, locker rooms for regular people, tour members, and winners, a bar/dining room, and I got to see inside of the tournament dining room. My tour guide asked if I was going to be playing. I told him not this time. I looked up how much a round was and I found out it costs $600 per person!!!

The tournament dining room is only available to the players in the tournament, not the public, their families, or even their caddies.

I took some pics while getting a ride around the course. It was such a nice day and the course was fairly busy. They were setting up the pavilions for the tournament in a few weeks.

After the ride, the tour guide gave me a couple of scorecards to take with me. I went back inside and figured that I had to get a drink at the super fancy golf course. I ordered a long island tea and went to sit out on the patio. I got to watch people playing and I got to take in the sun. It was so nice I ordered a Tito’s Infusion and went back out. After a while it started cooling off so I went up to the upper patio and had them turn a heat lamp on for me. It was happy hour so I ordered seared tuna sliders for supper. They were really good.

As I was finishing my drink a guy at the table next to me said that there was going to be a SpaceX launch in a few minutes. At 6:11PM I got to see my first space launch.

After watching the launch I finished my drink and went pack in to take a couple more pictures and take off.