I went to Washington D.C. today. I started by going to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. This time they had more of the museum open, but the hangers were still closed for renovations. They still had the same space stuff and they had the commercial airline area and the speed records area open. I was bummed out that all of the military planes and cool stuff was missing until I found out that there was another part of the museum on the West side of town.

After the Air and Space Museum I walked back across the National Mall to check out the National Gallery of Art. It’s awesome that all of these museums are free. There is so much to do here that you can do for free. The main building had the classic artists. They had a ton of the masters on display. A few of them are Bellini, Rembrandt, O’Keeffe, Degas, Renoir, Van Gogh, Monet, Dali, and Da Vinci.

The second building was dedicated to modern art. They had a lot of open space in this building and some really dumb “art.” After walking around the museums all day I took the expensive subway back to the van.