Today is another museum day, but it started by crossing one of the longest bridges in the country, the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel. It’s 17.6 miles long with 12 miles of bridges and two mile long tunnels. There is so much water it looks like you are driving over the ocean.

I stopped at the Virginia Air and Space Science Center first. This was a small footprint but was several levels tall building with some neat exhibits and and few experimental planes. The HARV F-18 and the YF-16 were the standouts.

The next stop was at the Virginia War Museum. They had some cool tanks and artillery outside, including the precursor to “Atomic Annie” the atomic gun. I visited an actual one in Kansas a couple years ago. Inside, they had a lot of firearms and memorabilia from the revolution all the way up to modern times. Some of the interesting items were a letter from George Washington, an original copy of Mein Kampf, Berlin Wall section, and a chunk of steel from the World Trade Center.
After the museum I drove up to get supper at CiCi’s Pizza and I drove by the Newport News shipyard. They had an aircraft carrier and some other ships in port.