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Today was awesome and not for what you’d think. I ended up not doing anything for Halloween. I did get to go to the National Museum of the US Air Force! This is by far the best military airplane museum that I’ve ever been to. There were so many ultra rare airplanes on display. My favorites were the , A-10, B-2, SR-71, YF-12, YF-23, and my all time favorite, the XB-70 Valkyrie. They also had the B-29 “Bockscar” that dropped the bomb on Nagasaki, lots of WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, missiles, bombs, experimental, space vehicles, and presidential planes. I was able to sit in an F-16 cockpit and walk through several bombers/cargo planes. I spent five hours here and needed another half hour. If you like military history and aircraft this is a must go. It’s also free.