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I left Salt Lake City, UT today. I started by checking out both of The Great Saltair’s. The one from the 60’s was just a few pilings in the lake. The new one is a music venue. Across the highway was the Kennecott Smelter. This is where the ore is smelted for the Bingham Young mine. The smokestack is huge, 1215 feet tall. It’s the tallest free standing structure West of the Mississippi. I wanted to take a tour of the mine, but there was construction on the road so the tours were cancelled. I wasn’t even able to drive up to the overlook. Instead I drove all the way back and over to the Bonneville Salt Flats. I was surprised with how many people stop and drive right onto them from the rest area. It was hard and salty as advertised.

My plan is to hit up the Golden Spike tomorrow so I took the long way around the Great Salt Lake to the West and stopped in Ogden, UT for the night. On my way there I stumbled upon the ATK Rocket Garden. This is an exhibit outside of the Northrup Grumman plant. I didn’t know this was even a thing until I drove by it. They had examples of a bunch of NASA rockets and military rockets/missiles. This is where they tested the Artemis rockets.

I got to Ogden fairly early so I was able to check out a game store and Talisman Brewing Company before bed. They had a bunch of stuff I wanted to try, but because of the dumb 5% rule it was only in cans. The stuff I did get to try was good though. There was a pizza food truck outside the brewery. One of the patrons bought pizza for the bartender and she gave me a slice. It was really good after I picked off the pineapple. I ran into the owners of the food truck and asked him about it. It cost $200k for the setup. It was really nice, but I didn’t expect that.