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Ashley flew in this morning after a delay that left her stuck in Denver overnight. After breakfast and a couple errands we went to the Museum of Flight. This was an amazing museum. I’ve read that it is the premier aviation museum in the PNW. The space section was ok, it was a lot that I’d seen before. In the aviation room they packed a ton of planes in one building. The highlights were the M-21, a variant of the A-12 Blackbird, with the D-21 drone attached. This is the only remaining M-21 in existence. They had a training cockpit of the A-12 that I got to sit in. It was not made for tall people.

The next hall was all about the history of the Boeing factory. They had a really interesting exhibit about how Disney worked with the US government on the war effort in WW2. Finally we crossed the road to the covered outdoor hall. This is where most of the commercial aircraft were and the B-52, Air Force One, and Concord were. We were able to walk through the first 747 ever built, the new 777 Dreamliner, the old 707 Air Force One, and the Concord. The 777 looks really comfortable and the engines are huge. I’ve watched videos on them before, but in person they are enormous. This was also the first 747 I’ve ever been in and they are amazing big. I didn’t know they could carry 500+ people on one flight. The Concord was surprisingly large for how few seats there were. It does look like a military aircraft.

After the museum Ashley wanted to take a sit down, so we hopped on the train and headed downtown to do a bit of brewery hopping. We got the Pup Passport that gave us discounts at a bunch of Seattle breweries. I really wanted to go to Elysian Brewing Company since they make one of my favorite beers. After that we went to Optimism Brewing Company, Capitol Cider, and finally closed down Redhook Brewlab.