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Today I made my way to midtown. I went through Washington Square, and walked up to the Flatiron building/plaza. This is one of the most well known buildings in the city. It’s in pretty much everything that was set in NYC. They were doing work on it though, so it had the netting all over it. There was a LEGO store across the street so I, of course, had to check that out.

Next I went to the Empire State Building. I was going to go up it, but then I saw it costs $40 and there was over an hour long line to get in.

Now it was time to go up to Times Square. On my way I found the Macy’s, where they were setting up for the parade. It was larger than expected. It takes up an entire block. Madison Square Garden is just down the block too. Times Square was everything that TV made it out to be. Lots of huge screens and lights. I also stopped here for pizza. I got two slices and a coke for $2.75. There are tons of people in Midtown and it’s really noisy.

One of my favorite tings that I saw today was the Hard Rock Café in Times Square. They had so much memorabilia. This was by far the best one that I’ve been to.

Next I moved up to the theater district. I walked by where they do the Late Show and the Tonight Show, the Broadway theater, and Radio City Music Hall.

Next is Rockefeller Center on my way to Grand Central Station. They were setting up the tree at Rockefeller Center. That’s what the scaffolding is all around.

Grand Central Station wasn’t exactly what I imagined it to be. I was expecting it to just be the train station, but it was way more. There were restaurants, a food market, and the main station. On the ceiling of the station they have a bunch of constellations painted.

It was starting to get dark now and I was hoping I could make it over to the USS Intrepid museum before it got too dark. The Chrysler building was a block from Grand Central so I hi that up first. I couldn’t get a good vantage point for a pic of the top though. It was a mile walk to the ship, so I didn’t make it before they closed. I wanted to see the Concord and the YF-12, even though I’ve seen that before.

I decided I had enough walking for the day and figured I’d get the rest of the sights in tomorrow. I was a long way away from the subway though so I got to take a ferry. The ferry is a bit more expensive, but it’s fast and more comfortable than the subway. I saw 902 Brewing Company was on my way back to the van so I stopped for a couple. When I got there, they were doing Yoga and then trivia started after. I didn’t do very well in trivia since I was alone though. It was still fun.