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Yesterday was a driving day, went from OKC to Dallas. I did a little searching and found a church that was having a free Thanksgiving dinner for travelers and people that were away from family. Everyone I met there was really nice and welcoming. All of the food was very good and I hung out for a couple hours to eat and talk.

I left around 2 and I remembered there was a Cowboys game on and since I was in the city was going to watch it. I looked for some local joint that was having a watch party and ended up picking Texas Live. I didn’t realize that it was right next to the stadium. The place was huge. It was set up like the old Venue/Playmakers in Fargo. There were seven bars and a big area with huge screens.

The beer was pretty expensive, but the atmosphere was so much fun. I watched the whole game there. It was busy, but pretty chill until it got near the end of the game. A guy next to me took a shot and immediately started vomiting next to the bar. The bartender just shook his head and the cleaning staff rushed over to clean it up. After the game people rushed over from the stadium to the bars and it was packed. I finished my beer and made a lap to check out the place. It was pretty neat with a bunch of different themed bars all in one building.

After the game I wanted to find a nice dive bar for some cheap drinks. I found Caves Lounge. It was extremely divey, my type of place. I hung out there for the rest of the night talking to the locals and then they had karaoke.