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Thank you all of you new readers for bearing with me while I fix the photos on my old pages. I have finally finished this process today. Let me know if you find any pictures that aren’t working.

I flew back to Atlanta, GA on 12/8/2024. The van survived being stored on that guys yard for a month. There was some craziness with that process. I got a call from the guy I rented from around 11/25/2024 asking me to move the van because the city said that he can’t store vehicles on his lawn. I told him I was in California and then he asked me to send my keys to him and he’ll send them back. I declined this offer obviously. I had to contact the city to let them know the situation and they said that they wouldn’t ticket me, great. The guy text me back saying that he got fined and will take care of it. If you don’t know the ordinances, you shouldn’t be running a “business.”

I drove to Augusta on 12/9/2024. It stormed really hard that night and when I went to start it on the 10th, it was dead. The starter turned, but it wouldn’t fire. I got it towed to a shop nearby. They looked at it for a few minutes and then told me that I need a new engine.

I started making a plan to get the van back to Fargo. At least there I can have the van sit until I can figure it out. I contracted with a shipping company for $600 to get it back. I also booked a flight to Fargo. The shipping company keeps giving me quotes from $1200 to $2300. I’m super fired up at this point. They tell me that the $600 was an estimate and it is up to the drivers to give the actual price. Before I flew out, I had the computer codes checked. The codes said that it was the cam position sensor again. So I don’t need a new engine.

I flew back to Fargo on 12/13/2024 and I’m still dealing with the shipping company. Meanwhile my van is still parked in the parking lot of the company that I originally brought it to. On the 14th I’ve had enough of the shipping companies bullshit and cancel the contract. They tried making me pay a $200 cancellation fee. I threw their terms of service back in their face and got that waved.

On 12/15/2024 I got the van towed to a dealership. I let them know that I’m out of town for Christmas and there is no hurry to get to it. They were ok with that and now the van is sitting at the dealer across the country from me and here we are. I get to spend Christmas with my family, hopefully get to see some friends, and then fly back to GA whenever the dealership fixes the van. The sensor is covered under warranty, hopefully it’s just a bad part again and there isn’t a larger problem.