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While I was hanging out last week I found out that Dice Tower West was happening this week/weekend. Dice Tower West is a huge board gaming convention. I was on the fence about going since it cost $80. I’m glad that I did, it was well worth it. Most of the convention was just playing games. They brought their entire library of probably 500 games. I got to play a bunch of stuff that I’ve wanted to for a long time. The play area was open 24 hours, so you could play all night. My week has been get up around noon or one, get ready, eat lunch, play games until midnight or one, have a small supper, and go to sleep around two or three. It’s been so much fun. I played the following while I was there. I also went to one of the panels with the Dice Tower hosts. At the end of the night I got to meet Tom Vassel and say thanks.

  • Dice Hospital
  • Undaunted: Normandy
  • Wingspan
  • Blitzkrieg
  • Dinosaur Island
  • Roll for Adventure
  • Catacombs Cubes
  • Star Wars Carcassonne
  • Suburbia
  • Food Chain Magnate
  • Great Western Trail
  • Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra
  • Villainous
  • Root
  • Architects of the West Kingdom
  • Azul: Summer Pavilion
  • Megacity: Oceania

I think my favorites were Azul: SUmmer Pavilion, Root, and Wingspan.