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I met up with the guy to get the motorcycle. Everything looked good and we took it out for a short ride. I ended up getting it for $200 less than I expected to. This covered my gas out there and back. Totally worth the drive. I wanted to take a shower after the ride and I found out that all of the public showers in Oregon are closed. Sad times. I ended up with a sponge bath before I went out. This afternoon I went to check out downtown Bend.

I parked and walked around a good chunk of downtown. I started at Silver Moon Brewing. I wasn’t a big fan of their beer, the place was packed, and the live music was not for me. Next I was going to go to Deschutes, but they were closed because of the air quality. I kept going over to Bend Brewing Company. This place was packed too. There was a 10 minute wait just to get a drink inside. They let me sit out on the patio and get a couple cans. I didn’t get to try most of their stuff, but the stout was good.

I was looking for a place to stay the night and I started at one of the hotels downtown. They required a window badge to stay there so I moved on. There were tons of camper vans here. I was reading online that you can park on residential streets, but people get pissed about all of the vans. I ended up finding a spot on some random street and didn’t get bothered thankfully. Overall I don’t think this area is for me. Lots of hipsters and I just didn’t like the vibe.