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Today I drove through the Columbia River Gorge down to Portland, OR. The gorge was created by the Columbia River over thousands of years. The interstate is on the Oregon side and there is a highway on the Washington side. I took the Washington side for a few hours. I stopped at a full scale replica of Stonehenge. It was neat to see what the original looks like.

Before I got to Portland I stopped at the Bridge of the Gods in Cascade Locks, OR. There isn’t anything really special about this bridge beside it being fairly long. I was able to walk out to the middle of it since the Pacific Crest Trail crosses it. It was fun to walk on and I got some good pics from the middle.

A few miles down the road I stopped at Multnomah Falls. I was going to pass it up, but I’m glad I didn’t. I decided to do the hike up to the top of the falls. It wasn’t worth it. It did give me a calf workout though. After about a quarter of the way up there was a bench and some big stumps that provided the best views. Near the bottom there is a bridge that crosses the creek that everyone stops at. It was crazy busy. After the falls I finished driving to Portland and crashed for the night.