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I had an amazing day today. I parked over by Lady Bird lake and biked the Roy and Ann Butler Hike and Bike Trail all the way around the lake. It was nice being able to get out on such a nice day.

During my ride I went by Barton Springs and made a note to head back there to check it out. After I got around the lake I went back to the van, put my bike away, then headed to the springs. Barton Springs is so nice. It’s like a public pool, but the bottom is the creek bed. I guess the water stays at 67 degrees all year long. It felt great to float around and cool off after the ride.

As I was heading off to eat I saw another person with a camper van setup. I pulled over to talk to him and found out that the girl he was talking to was doing the same thing, but in a Subaru. I talked to them and we showed each other or setups. We talked for about an hour and then all left our separate ways to go eat. I went to Stiles Switch BBQ. It was really good. Way better than the stuff I had in Memphis.

After eating all of that food I wanted to relax and check out a brewery before bed. Before that I had to pick up my Amazon package. That ended being over in the college area. There were kids and cars everywhere. I had to park three blocks away to get my package. I went over to St Elmo Brewing Company after that. The place was packed, I thought that was weird for a Tuesday. They had trivia and the only spot at the counter was next to these two bro bros. It was super annoying listening to them talk. I had a flight and made my way to a hotel to park.