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First 48 Hours – Chapter 1

First 48 Hours – Chapter 1

I’ve officially done it. I’ve left Fargo on this new adventure. So far everything is going great. I’ve had to do a few modifications on the way, but nothing crazy. My drawers didn’t stay shut as well as I hoped. I had to get some bungee cords to keep everything secure.


After I left town I headed to Minneapolis. I decided to make a detour to go the last Zorbaz that I hadn’t gone to. I went down to the Green Lake Zorbaz for a beer and a passport stamp. It was a great place with a nice view of the lake.

After that I made it to the cities, but I got there too late to do anything and camped out by a Target.


It took a little getting used to the sounds of urban camping. I woke up to doors closing a few times and got up to check. After about 3 I was able to relax and sleep through the night. I woke up around 10AM and got a hold of Staci to see when she wanted to go to brunch. I met her at the Red Cow in St. Paul, the food was really good. We hung out until around 1PM and I headed to the MOA to get some exercise. I left there around 4 and went back to the van to take a nap. A short nap turned into four hours! I used my Planet Fitness account for the first time and now I’m setting this blog up.